
The HelixShield technology is built upon a novel DNA-based data encryption scheme. A covert 2D pattern, containing digitally encrypted data, is made of synthetic DNA and is stored in a miniature chip (HelixChip). Each HelixChip contains unique information that is easily trackable once the information is revealed. Once a chip is attached to a genuine product and the association is recorded in a private cloud (HelixCloud), the chip serves as the authentication token for that product only: if the chip is genuine, the product is genuine.

The authenticity of a HelixChip can be easily verified and tracked while the product navigates through the supply chain or at the time of purchase. It is done in a few seconds with a free smartphone app (HelixApp) and a small reading device (HelixReader), supported by the HelixCloud.


a miniature synthetic DNA-based chip that stores a unique serialized code after digital and DNA encryption and can be securely attached to a product to authenticate the product.


a small handheld device that is attached to a smartphone and decrypts a HelixChip in a few seconds after it is inserted.


a smartphone app that transmits data from a HelixReader to a HelixCloud to be verified and displays result.


a private and secure cloud-based database that verifies and tracks data submitted by HelixApp.